Al ifāda wa-t tabsīr likulli rāmin mubtad’in aw nihrīr

الافادة والتبصير

Al ifāda wa-t tabsīr likulli rāmin mubtad’in aw nihrīr “For the benefit and enlightenment of every archer, whether beginner or skilled, in shooting with both long and short arrows”

Authored by: Jamal al-Din Abdallah ibn Maimun, from the early eighth century inhabitants 

Authenticated by: Ali bin Naif Al Hashimi, Bshar Awad Marouf


The manuscript " Al ifāda wa-t tabsīr likulli rāmin mubtad’in aw nihrīr" (For the Benefit and Enlightenment of Every Archer, Whether Beginner or Skilled, in Shooting with Both Long and Short Arrows) by Jamal al-Din Abdallah ibn Maimun is considered one of the finest works on chivalry and weaponry. It serves both as a guide for beginners and as a resource for skilled practitioners in the art of archery, a skill highly esteemed in Arab culture. Archery was considered a vital skill for a warrior and a matter of pride among Arab nobility and kings.

The manuscript is divided into sixty-four chapters, covering a wide range of topics. These include the origins and virtues of jihad (holy war), the spending in its cause, the concept of Ribat (frontier post) and its virtues, the rewards for those who die in battle and for those who die without having participated in jihad but had the intention to do so, and the practice of wearing a mask in battle.

Significant attention is given to the Arabic bow—its importance, types, components, and usage. The author then discusses arrows, their types and parts, followed by a detailed look at quivers and arrow containers. The core of the manuscript delves into the essence of archery, including setting up targets, practicing, and honing skills.

The chapters cover various aspects such as the religious and moral significance of jihad, the virtues of the Arabic bow and the rewards for crafting its arrows, the importance of learning archery and the sin of abandoning it after learning, and historical insights into the first use and creation of bows and arrows. This comprehensive approach makes the manuscript not just a manual on archery, but also a reflection of the cultural and religious significance of this art in the Arab world.

The manuscript " Al ifāda wa-t tabsīr likulli rāmin mubtad’in aw nihrīr " by Jamal al-Din Abdallah ibn Maimun contains detailed chapters on various aspects of archery, showcasing its depth and the author's extensive knowledge. Some of the key chapters include:

1.    Types of Bows and the Most Preferred Ones: Discusses different bow types and what makes some more desirable than others.

2.    Names, Parts, and Qualities of the Arabic Bow: Provides detailed information about the parts and characteristics of Arabic bows.

3.    Masters of Archery: Lists and discusses famous archers.

4.    Fundamentals of Archery and Variations Among Archers: Examines the basic principles of archery and how practices differ among archers.

5.    Essential Knowledge for Archers and Practices to Avoid: Advises on critical skills archers should learn and mistakes they should avoid.

6.    Determining the Strength and Pull of a Bow: Guides on how to assess a bow's power and draw length.

7.    Testing and Choosing a Bow Before Stringing: Discusses how to properly select and test a bow.

8.    Stringing the Bow: Covers the process of stringing a bow.

9.    Bow's Power in Stringing: Explores the bow's capacity during the stringing process.

10.    Drawing the Bow: Discusses techniques for drawing a bow.

11.    Holding the Bow and Arrow: Offers guidance on the correct way to hold the bow and arrow.

12.    The Thumb and Forefinger Loop in Bowstringing: Explains the technique of looping the string with the thumb and forefinger.

13.    Holding the Bow with the Left Hand: Details the proper grip on the bow handle.

14.    The Arrow Release: Discusses the technique of releasing the arrow.

15.    Extending and Aiming: Covers the process of extending the arm and aiming the arrow.

16.    Different Types of Aiming and Shooting Techniques: Provides various methods and techniques for aiming and shooting.

17.    Releasing the Arrow: Focuses on the techniques of arrow release.

18.    Arrow's Passage Over the Left Hand: Describes how the arrow should pass over the left hand when shot.

19.    Issues with Arrow Release and Solutions: Addresses common problems with arrow release and how to solve them.

20.    Wear and Tear on the Archer's Equipment: Discusses the wear on the bowstring, the archer's thumb, and solutions for these issues.

21.    Different Types of Arrows and Their Characteristics: Offers detailed information on various arrow types, their components, and ideal characteristics.

Additionally, the book also covers advanced techniques and specialized types of archery, demonstrating the comprehensive nature of this work. The text's authiticators, Prince Ali bin Naif, known for his interest and knowledge in genealogy and equestrian matters, and Dr. Bashar Awad Ma'roof, a prominent figure in the authenticating of Arabic and Islamic heritage texts, have contributed significantly to its preservation and dissemination.

The publications from the Hashemite Documentation Center are not translated into English. Institutions and publishing houses interested in publishing a translated version should contact the center at the following email address: This offers an opportunity for broader access to these valuable historical resources for non-Arabic speaking audiences and researchers.